I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now" --B.o.B. ft Hayley Williams, Airplanes
Many people are familiar with the concept of wishing on a star, that if you make a wish on a shooting star, it will come true. No one quite knows where this superstition comes from, whether it is the beauty and relative rarity of shooting stars, or humanity's eternal fascination to the heavens, or if it is the likeness of shooting stars to an angel, so thinking of a wish on a shooting star as offering up a prayer.
I have wished on a star often enough in my youth, to wish for one boy or another to like me, to pass my algebra final, that my parents would stop fighting and screaming at each other. Silly wishes, things that really don't matter much in the long run. Recently, I've been making some late night treks into the desert area north of the city that I live in, and on those treks, I take a new friend with me. We've been spending time together getting to know each other, just laying in the back of his truck cuddling and chatting and looking at the stars that you can't see well enough within the city limits. One of these last times we went out there, the above song was playing on the radio and we saw something that may or may not have been a shooting star. Hell, it could have been an airplane for all we know, but it was that moment, and without saying anything, we both looked up and made a silent wish.
New relationships are fragile like infants, and need careful nurturing. Really, all relationships need careful nurturing. But there comes a time when you get comfortable with your partner and you stop trying as hard. This is my promise now, that I will keep trying.
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